Changeset 6921 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Jun 19, 2015, 11:23:07 AM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r6918 r6921  
    1375 Saved files contain blocks of records in plain ASCII format. The first record in each block contains the following 10 parameters:
    1376 </p>
    1377 <p>
     1375Broadcast Corrections files contain blocks of records in plain ASCII format. Each block contains a 'leading (first) record' followd by a number of 'satellite records' (exception: block VTEC).
     1378<b>Example for the 'leading record' of each block</b>
     1382The 'leading record' of each block contains 10 parameters. Example:
     1385> ORBIT 2015 06 17 11 43 35.0 2 53 CLK93
     1388Their meaning is as follows:
    13791391<li>SSR message type indicator:<br>ORBIT, CLOCK, CODE_BIAS, PHASE_BIAS, or VTEC</li>
    14051417<li>Number of following satellites (records) in this block</li>
    1406 <li>Mountpoint, stream indicator</li>
     1418<li>Mountpoint, source/stream indicator</li>
    14081420Each of the following 'satellite records' in such a block carries information for one specific satellite. Undefined parameters in the 'satellite records' could be set to zero &quot;0.000&quot;.
    14101423<b>Example for block 'ORBIT' carrying orbit corrections</b>
    14231436R24  59     0.5935     2.0732    -0.6884       -0.0000     0.0004     0.0003
    14271439The 'satellite records' in this block provide the following information:
    1441 TBC<br>
    1442 In case of RTCM message types 1058 or 1064 (see Annex) the first five parameters in each record are followed by
    1443 </p>
    1444 <ul>
    1445 <li>IOD set to zero &quot;0&quot;</li>
     1453<b>Example for block 'CLOCK' carrying clock corrections</b>
     1458> CLOCK 2015 06 17 11 43 35.0 2 53 CLK93
     1459G01   9     0.5412     0.0000     0.0000
     1460G02  25    11.1811     0.0000     0.0000
     1461G03  79    45.0228     0.0000     0.0000
     1463G32  82    -1.5324     0.0000     0.0000
     1464R01  59     4.2194     0.0000     0.0000
     1465R02  59     2.0535     0.0000     0.0000
     1466R03  59     1.8130     0.0000     0.0000
     1468R24  59     2.7409     0.0000     0.0000
     1470The 'satellite records' in this block provide the following information:
     1472<li>GNSS Indicator and Satellite Vehicle Pseudo Random Number</li>
     1473<li>IOD referring to Broadcast Ephemeris set</li>
    14461474<li>C0 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    14471475<li>C1 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    14481476<li>C2 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s**2]</li>
    1450 Example:
     1480<b>Example for block 'CODE_BIAS' carrying code biases</b>
     1483> CODE_BIAS 2015 06 17 11 43 35.0 2 53 CLK93
     1484G01    5   1C    -3.3100   1W    -3.7500   2W    -6.1900   2X    -5.7800   5I    -5.4200
     1485G02    5   1C     3.6000   1W     3.9300   2W     6.4800   2X     0.0000   5I     0.0000
     1486G03    5   1C    -2.1600   1W    -2.6500   2W    -4.3600   2X    -4.4800   5I    -5.3400
    1454 1058 0 1538 211151.0 G18     1.846       0.000    0.000
    1455 1058 0 1538 211151.0 G16     0.376       0.000    0.000
    1456 1058 0 1538 211151.0 G22     2.727       0.000    0.000
     1488G32    5   1C    -1.5800   1W    -1.1000   2W    -1.8200   2X     0.0000   5I     0.0000
     1489R01    4   1C    -2.4900   1P    -2.4900   2C    -3.1500   2P    -4.1200
     1490R02    4   1C     0.3900   1P     0.2100   2C     0.4000   2P     0.3400
     1491R03    4   1C     2.4800   1P     2.2800   2C     3.7800   2P     3.7700
    1458 1064 0 1538 211151.0 R08     8.956       0.000    0.000
    1459 1064 0 1538 211151.0 R07    14.457       0.000    0.000
    1460 1064 0 1538 211151.0 R23     6.436       0.000    0.000
    1461 ...
     1493R24    4   1C     2.7000   1P     2.7800   2C     3.9800   2P     4.6000
    1463 </p>
    1464 <p>
    1465 In case of RTCM message types 1060 or 1066 (see Annex) the first five parameters in each record are followed by
    1466 <p>
    1467 <ul>
    1468 <li>IOD referring to Broadcast Ephemeris set</li>
    1469 <li>C0 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1470 <li>Radial Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1471 <li>Along-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1472 <li>Cross-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1473 <li>C1 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1474 <li>Velocity of Radial Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    1475 <li>Velocity of Along-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    1476 <li>Velocity of Cross-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    1477 <li>C2 polynomial coefficient for Clock Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    1478 </ul>
    1479 Example:
    1480 </p>
    1481 <pre>
    1482 ...
    1483 1060 0 1538 211610.0 G30    82      2.533      0.635   -0.359   -0.598    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1484 1060 0 1538 211610.0 G31     5     -4.218     -0.208    0.022    0.002    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1485 1060 0 1538 211610.0 G32    28     -2.326      0.977   -0.576    0.142    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1486 ...
    1487 1066 0 1538 211610.0 R22    27      1.585      2.024    2.615   -2.080    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1488 1066 0 1538 211610.0 R23    27      6.277      2.853    4.181    1.304    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1489 1066 0 1538 211610.0 R24    27      0.846      1.805   13.095    6.102    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
    1490 ...
    1491 </pre>
    1492 </p>
    1493 <p>
    1494 In case of RTCM message types 1059 or 1065 (see Annex) the first five parameters in each record are followed by
    1495 <ul>
     1495The 'satellite records' in this block provide the following information:
     1497<li>GNSS Indicator and Satellite Vehicle Pseudo Random Number</li>
    14961498<li>Number of Code Biases</li>
    14971499<li>Indicator to specify the signal and tracking mode</li>
    1503 Example:
     1507<b>Example for block 'PHASE_BIAS' carrying phase biases</b>
     1510> PHASE_BIAS 2015 06 17 11 43 35.0 2 31 CLK93
     1511 0   1
     1512G01 245.39062500   0.00000000    3   1C     3.9518   1   2   6   2W     6.3177   1   2   6   5I     6.8059   1   2   6
     1513G02 250.31250000   0.00000000    3   1C    -4.0900   1   2   5   2W    -6.7044   1   2   5   5I     0.0000   1   2   5
     1514G03 281.95312500   0.00000000    3   1C     2.9327   1   2   4   2W     4.6382   1   2   4   5I     5.4120   1   2   4
    1507 1059 0 1538 211151.0 G18 2 0   -0.010 11   -0.750
    1508 1059 0 1538 211151.0 G16 2 0   -0.040 11   -0.430
    1509 1059 0 1538 211151.0 G22 2 0   -0.630 11   -2.400
    1510 ...
     1516G32 290.39062500   0.00000000    3   1C     1.2520   1   2   5   2W     2.0554   1   2   5   5I     0.0000   1   2   5
     1518The 'satellite records' in this block provide the following information:
     1521<b>Example for block 'VTEC' carrying ionospheric corrections</b>
     1524> VTEC 2015 06 17 11 43 35.0 6 1 CLK93
     1525 1  6  6   450000.0
     1526   17.6800     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1527    4.5200     8.8700     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1528   -4.6850    -0.3050     1.1700     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1529   -2.2250    -1.3900    -1.0250    -0.1300     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1530    0.8750    -0.3800     0.2700    -0.1300     0.0400     0.0000     0.0000
     1531    1.2150     0.9050    -1.0100     0.3700    -0.1450    -0.2450     0.0000
     1532   -0.8200     0.4850     0.2300    -0.1750     0.3400    -0.0900    -0.0400
     1533    0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1534    0.0000    -0.0700     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1535    0.0000     0.5800    -1.4150     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1536    0.0000    -0.6200    -0.1500     0.2600     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     1537    0.0000     0.0700    -0.0900    -0.0550     0.1700     0.0000     0.0000
     1538    0.0000     0.5000     0.3050    -0.5700    -0.5250    -0.2750     0.0000
     1539    0.0000     0.0850    -0.4700     0.0600     0.0700     0.1600     0.0400
     1541The records in this block provide the following information:
    15131544<p><a name="corrdir"><h4>3.8.1 Directory, ASCII - optional</h4></p>
    15651596The source code for BNC comes with an example perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's Broadcast Corrections from the IP port.
    1566 </p>
    1568 <p><a name="corrwait"><h4>3.8.4 Wait for Full Corr Epoch - mandatory if 'Port' is set</h4></p>
    1569 <p>
    1570 When feeding a real-time GNSS network engine (see 'Feed Engine') waiting epoch by epoch for synchronized Broadcast Corrections, or when you 'Combine Corrections' BNC drops (only concerning IP port output) whatever is received later than 'Wait for full corr epoch' seconds. A value of 2 to 5 seconds could be an appropriate choice for that, depending on the latency of the incoming Broadcast Corrections stream and the delay acceptable by your application. A message such as &quot;COCK1: Correction over aged by 5 sec&quot; shows up in BNC's logfile if 'Wait for full corr epoch' is exceeded.
    1571 </p>
    1572 <p>
    1573 Specifying a value of '0' means that BNC immediately outputs all incoming Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections and does not drop any of them for latency reasons.
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