Changeset 6888 in ntrip

Jun 9, 2015, 5:16:22 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r6863 r6888  
    358358<p><a name="optsettings"><h3>3. Settings</h3></p>
    360 This chapter describes how to set the BNC program options. It explains the top menu bar, the processing options, the 'Streams' and 'Log' sections, and the bottom menu bar.
     360This chapter describes how to set the BNC program options. It explains the 'Top Menu Bar', the 'Settings Canvas' with the processing options, the 'Streams Canvas' and 'Log Canvas', and the 'Bottom Menu Bar'.
    381381&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.4. <a href=#rnxsample>Sampling</a><br>
    382382&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.5. <a href=#rnxskl>Skeleton Extension</a><br>
    383 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.6. <a href=#rnxscript>Script</a><br>
    384 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.7. <a href=#rnxvers2>Version</a><br>
    385 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.8. <a href=#rnxvers3>Version</a><br>
     383&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.6. <a href=#sklMandat>Skeleton Mandatory</a><br>
     384&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.7. <a href=#rnxscript>Script</a><br>
     385&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.8. <a href=#rnxvers2>Version 2</a><br>
     386&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.9. <a href=#rnxvers3>Version 3</a><br>
    3863873.5. <a href=#ephemeris>RINEX Ephemeris</a><br>
    387388&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.1. <a href=#ephdir>Directory</a><br>
    641 It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a-priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available or does not contain the required information. The following is a default selection of observation types specified for a RINEX Version 3 file:
     642It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a-priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension' and 'Skeleton Mandatory') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available or does not contain the required information. The following is a default selection of observation types specified for a RINEX Version 3 file:
    644 C   12 C2  L2  D2  S2  C6  L6  D6  S6  C7  L7  D7  S7       SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    645 E   20 C1  L1  D1  S1  C5  L5  D5  S5  C6  L6  D6  S6  C7   SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    646        L7  D7  S7  C8  L8  D8  S8                           SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    647 G   20 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P D1P S1P C2C L2C D2C S2C C2P  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    648        L2P D2P S2P C5  D5  L5  S5                           SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    649 J   16 C1  L1  D1  S1  C2  L2  D2  S2  C5  L5  D5  S5  C6   SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    650        D6  L6  S6                                           SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    651 R   16 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P D1P S1P C2C L2C D2C S2C C2P  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    652        L2P D2P S2P                                          SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    653 S    8 C1  L1  D1  S1  C5  L5  D5  S5                       SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     645C    9 C2I L2I S2I C6I L6I S6I C7I L7I S7I                  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     646E   12 C1X L1X SX1 C5X L5X SX5 C7X L7X SX7 C8X L8X SX8      SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     647G   15 C1C L1C S1C C1W L1W S1W C2X L2X S2X C2W L2W S2W C5X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     648       L5X S5X                                              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     649J   15 C1C L1C S1C C1W L1W S1W C2X L2X S2X C2W L2W S2W C5X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     650       L5X S5X                                              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     651R    6 C1C L1C S1C C2P L2P S2P                              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     652S    9 C1C L1C S1C C5I L5I S5I C5Q L5Q S5Q                  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    660 The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from various NTRIP Broadcasters as well as from a serial communication link. Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' means to not convert the affected stream but save its contents as received.
    661 </p>
     659The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from various NTRIP Broadcasters as well as from a serial communication link. Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' means to not convert the affected stream but save its contents as received. Note that one RTCM Version 2 stream in this example is forced to be saved in RINEX Version 3 format. Although it is possible to do this it is not recommended because RTCM Version 2 streams can not be precisely mapped to this file format, see Section 'Version 2' below for details.
    662662<p><img src="IMG/screenshot16.png"/></p>
    663663<p><u>Figure 7:</u> BNC translating incoming streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 files.</p>
    790 <p><a name="rnxscript"><h4>3.4.6 Script - optional</h4></p>
     790<p><a name="sklMandat"><h4>3.4.6 Skeleton Mandatory - optional</h4></p>
     792Tick check box 'Skeleton mandatory' in case you want that RINEX files are only produced if skeleton files are available for BNC. If no skeleton file is available for a particular source then no RINEX observation file will be produced from the affected stream.
     794<p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3 a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will therefore enforce BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types.
     797<p><a name="rnxscript"><h4>3.4.7 Script - optional</h4></p>
    792799Whenever a RINEX Observation file is saved, you might want to compress copy or upload it immediately via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out these operations. To do that, specify the full path of the script/batch file here. BNC will pass the RINEX Observation file path to the script as a command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems).
    801 <p><a name="rnxvers2"><h4>3.4.7 Version 2 - optional</h4></p>
    802 <p>
    803 GNSS observation data are generally hold available within BNC according to attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. These attributes describe the tracking mode or channel when generating the observation signals. Capital letters specifying signal generation attributes are A, B, C, D, I, L, M, N, P, Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z, see RINEX Version 3 documentation. Although RINEX Version 3 with its signal generation attributes is the internal processing and default output format for BNC, there are two applications where the program is required to produce data in RINEX Version 2 format:
     808<p><a name="rnxvers2"><h4>3.4.8 Version 2 - optional</h4></p>
     810GNSS observation data are generally hold available within BNC according to attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. These attributes describe the tracking mode or channel when generating the observation signals. Capital letters specifying signal generation attributes are A, B, C, D, I, L, M, N, P, Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z, see RINEX Version 3 documentation. Although RINEX Version 3 with its signal generation attributes is the internal default processing format for BNC, there are two applications where the program is required to produce data in RINEX Version 2 format:
    804811<ol type=1>
    805812<li>When saving the contents of incoming observation streams in RINEX Version 2 files as described in this section.</li>
    823 <p><a name="rnxvers3"><h4>3.4.8 Version 3 - optional</h4></p>
     830<p><a name="rnxvers3"><h4>3.4.9 Version 3 - optional</h4></p>
    825832The default format for RINEX Observation files is RINEX Version 2.11. Select 'Version 3' if you would like to save observations in RINEX Version 3 format.
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