Changeset 6670 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Mar 16, 2015, 9:57:22 AM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r6669 r6670  
    891891  pppLayout2sub->addWidget(_pppWidgets._addStaButton);
    892892  pppLayout2sub->addWidget(_pppWidgets._delStaButton);
    893   pppLayout2sub->addStretch(99); // weber
     893  pppLayout2sub->addStretch(99);
    895895  pppLayout2->addLayout(pppLayout2sub);
    10131013  _reqcSkyPlotSignals = new QLineEdit(settings.value("reqcSkyPlotSignals").toString());
    1014   _reqcSkyPlotSignals->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can produce plots for multipath, signal-to-noise ratio, satellite availability, satellite elevation, and PDOP values. The 'Plots for signals' option lets you specify the observation signals to be used for that. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '. Examples:<ul><li> G:1&2 R:1&2 J:1&2 E:1&7 C:1&6 S:1<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, GLONASS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, QZSS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, Galileo observations on 1st and 7th frequency, BeiDou observations on 1st and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency)</li><li>G:1C&5X<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode)</li><li>C:6I&7I<br>(Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode)<li></ul></p>"));
     1014  _reqcSkyPlotSignals->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can produce plots for multipath, signal-to-noise ratio, satellite availability, satellite elevation, and PDOP values. The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '.</p><p>Examples for 'Plots for signals' option:<ul><li> G:1&2 R:1&2 J:1&2 E:1&7 C:1&6 S:1<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, GLONASS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, QZSS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, Galileo observations on 1st and 7th frequency, BeiDou observations on 1st and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency.)</li><li>G:1C&5X<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode.)</li><li>C:6I&7I<br>(Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode.)<li></ul></p>"));
    10161016  connect(_reqcSkyPlotSignals, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
    10191019  _reqcLogSummaryOnly = new QCheckBox();
    10201020  _reqcLogSummaryOnly->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("reqcLogSummaryOnly").toInt()));
     1021  _reqcLogSummaryOnly->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>By default BNC produces a detailed 'Logfile' providing all information resulting from editing or analyzing RINEX data. If that is too much information you can limit the logfile contents to a small summary.</p><p>Tick 'Summary only' to suppress a full logfile output and produce a logfile containing only summary information.</p>"));
     1022// weber
    10221024  ir = 0;
    12541256  _serialFileNMEALineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the full path to a file where NMEA messages coming from your serial connected receiver are saved.</p>"));
    12551257  _serialHeightNMEALineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an approximate 'Height' above mean sea level in meter for your VRS to simulate an inital NMEA-GGA message.</p><p>The setting of this option is ignored in case of streams coming from physical reference stations.</p>"));
    1256   _reqcActionComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to edit or concatenate RINEX v2 or v3 files or to perform a quality check following UNAVCO's famous 'teqc' program.</p>"));
     1258  _reqcActionComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to 'Edit or Concatenate' RINEX v2 or v3 files or to perform a quality check and 'Analyze' the data following UNAVCO's famous 'teqc' program.</p>"));
    12571259  _reqcEditOptionButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify options for editing RINEX v2 or v3 files.</p>"));
    12581260  _bncFigurePPP->setWhatsThis(tr("PPP time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when the corresponting option is selected above. Values are either referred to an XYZ reference coordinate (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate compoments. The sliding PPP time series window covers the period of the latest 5 minutes."));
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