Changeset 6235 in ntrip

Oct 14, 2014, 2:44:13 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r6233 r6235  
    763763<p><a name="reqcedit"><h4>3.6.3 Set Edit Options - mandatory if 'Edit/Concatenate' is set</h4></p>
    764 <p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details. Note that sampling, begin/end and marker/antenna/receiver specification are only meaningful for RINEX Observation files.
     764<p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, observation codes, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details. Note that some specification are only meaningful for RINEX Observation files but not for RINEX Navigation files.
    774 <p>Optionally you may specify a comment line text to be added to the emerging new RINEX file header. Any introduction of a newline through '\n' in this enforces the beginning of a further comment line. Comment line(s) will be added to the header immediately after the 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' record. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no additional comment line will be added to the RINEX header.</p>
    776 <p>Specifying a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Default is an empty option field meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.</p>
     776Optionally you may specify a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header. Default is an empty option field, meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.
     780Specifying comment line text to be added to the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Any introduction of a newline through '\n' in this enforces the beginning of a further comment line. Comment line(s) will be added to the header immediately after the 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' record. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no additional comment line will be added to the RINEX header.
     784You can specify a list of observation codes in field 'Use Obs. Types' to limit the output file contents to specific observation codes. GNSS system characters in that list are followed by a colon and a two or three characters observation code. A two characters observation code would mean that all available tracking modes of the affected observation type and frequency will be accepted as part of the RINEX output file. Observation codes are separated by a blank character. Default is an empty option field, meaning that any input observation code will become part of the RINEX output file.
    778788If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file contents.
    29312941<td>Sep 2014 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.11 &nbsp;</td>
    2932 <td>[Add] Started work on new version in Dec 2013<br>[Mod] SIRGAS transformation parameters adjusted<br>[Mod] Antex file updated<br>[Mod] RTCM SSR messages updated<br>[Bug] GLONASS code biases<br>[Mod] Maximum number of GNSS observations increased<br>[Mod] Loss of lock handling changed<br>[Add] Raw stream output through TCP/IP port<br>
    2933 [Add] Version 2.11.0 published</td>
     2942<td>[Add] Started work on new version in Dec 2013<br>[Mod] SIRGAS transformation parameters adjusted<br>[Mod] Antex file updated<br>[Mod] RTCM SSR messages updated<br>[Bug] GLONASS code biases<br>[Mod] Maximum number of GNSS observations increased<br>[Mod] Loss of lock handling changed<br>[Add] Raw stream output through TCP/IP port<br>[Add] Version 2.11.0 published</td>
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