Changeset 370 in ntrip for trunk

Jan 18, 2007, 4:29:21 PM (17 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r368 r370  
    343 BNC allows to retrieve streams from Virtual Reference Stations. Whether a stream comes from a physical Reference Station (RS) or a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) is indicated in column 'type' under 'Mountpoints' as well as in column 'type' of the affected source-table. For retrieving a VRS stream, an approximate rover position is required to be send in NMEA format to the NTRIP broadcaster. In return, an individual user-specific data stream is generated, usually by a network RTK software. This stream is tailored exactly to the latitude and longitude shown in the 'lat' and 'long' columns under 'Mountpoints'. Default values for 'lat' and 'long' are taken from the source-table. You may change these values (first double-click, then edit fields 'lat' and/or 'long', then hit Enter) according to your needs. The position has to be introduced in northern latitude degrees (example for northern hemisphere: 52.436, example for eastern hemisphere: -24.567) and eastern longitude degrees (example: 358.872 or -1.128). Editing the 'lat' and 'long' values under 'Mountpoints' is only possible for VRS streams. The position must point to a location within the service area of the affected RTK network. Note that when running BNC in a Local Area Network (LAN), NMEA strings may be blocked by a proxy server, firewall or virus scanner.
     343BNC allows to retrieve streams from Virtual Reference Stations. Whether a stream comes from a physical Reference Station (RS) or a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) is indicated in column 'type' under 'Mountpoints' as well as in column 'type' of the affected source-table. For retrieving a VRS stream, an approximate rover position is required to be send in NMEA format to the NTRIP broadcaster. In return, an individual user-specific data stream is generated, usually by a network RTK software. This stream is tailored exactly to the latitude and longitude shown in the 'lat' and 'long' columns under 'Mountpoints'. Default values for 'lat' and 'long' are taken from the source-table. You may change these values (first double-click, then edit fields 'lat' and/or 'long', then hit Enter) according to your needs. The position has to be introduced in northern latitude degrees (example for northern hemisphere: 52.436, example for eastern hemisphere: -24.567) and eastern longitude degrees (example: 358.872 or -1.128). Editing the 'lat' and 'long' values under 'Mountpoints' is only possible for VRS streams. The position must point to a location within the service area of the affected RTK network. RINEX files generated from VRS streams contain an additional COMMENT line in the header mentioning the 'lat' and 'long' values introduced. Note that when running BNC in a Local Area Network (LAN), NMEA strings may be blocked by a proxy server, firewall or virus scanner.
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