Changeset 309 in ntrip for trunk

Nov 13, 2006, 8:18:57 PM (18 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r306 r309  
    244244<p><h4>B - 5.5 RINEX Skeleton Extension - optional</h4></p>
    246 BNC lets you introduce RINEX header skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to see instead of a default header. You may like to derive RINEX skeleton files from the information given in sitelogs. A file in the 'RINEX directory' with the 'RINEX skeleton extension' is interpreted by BNC as a RINEX header skeleton file for the affected stream.
    247 </p>
    248 <p>
    249 Example: RINEX files for mountpoints WETTZELL, FRANKFURT and FRANCE (same 4Char Station ID), BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u> (same 4Char Station ID, identical mountpoint stings) would accept skeleton files named</p>
     246BNC retrieves information needed for RINEX headers from so-called public RINEX header skeleton files as derived from sitelogs. An HTTP link to a directory containing these skeleton files may be available through data field number 7 of the affected NET record in the source-table. See <u></u> for an example for a public RINEX header skeleton file concerning the EPN station Brussels.
     249However, it may happen that public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, its contents is not up to date or you need to have additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that BNC lets you introduce personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to see. You may derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the 'RINEX directory' with the 'RINEX skeleton extension' is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the affected stream.
     252Example for file name convention: RINEX files for mountpoints WETTZELL, FRANKFURT and FRANCE (same 4Char Station ID), BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u> (same 4Char Station ID, identical mountpoint stings) would accept personal skeleton files named</p>
    260 Note the following conditions regarding RINEX header skeleton files:
    261 <ul>
    262 <li>They should contain in the first place a complete header record of type</li>
    263 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; RINEX VERSION / TYPE
    264 <li>They should further contain empty header records of type</li>
     263Note the following conditions regarding personal RINEX header skeleton files:
     265<li>If such a file appear appears in the 'RINEX directory', a probably existing public RINEX header skeleton file is ignored. The RINEX header is generated solely from the contents of the personal skeleton.</li>
     266<li>They should contain <u>complete</u> header record of type</li>
     267<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; RINEX VERSION / TYPE (first record)
     268<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MARKER NAME
     269<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; OBSERVER / AGENCY
     270<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; REC # / TYPE / VERS
     271<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ANT # / TYPE
     272<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; APPROX POSITION XYZ
     273<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
     274<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2
     275<li>They should further contain <u>empty</u> header records of type</li>
    265276<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; PGM / RUN BY / DATE
    266277<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; # / TYPES OF OBSERVATIONS
    267278<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; TIME OF FIRST OBS
    268 <br>The existence of these empty records force BNC to include such lines in the final RINEX file header together with an additional COMMENT line quoting the source of the stream.
     279<br>The existence of these empty records force BNC to include such lines in the final RINEX file header together with an additional
     280<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; COMMENT
     281<br>line quoting the source of the stream.
    269282<li>They must contain an empty header record of type</li>
    270 <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; END OF HEADER
     283<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; END OF HEADER (last record)
    271284<li>They may contain any other complete header record (correct format) as defined in the RINEX Version 2.1 documentation. Their contents may be derived from sitelog files.</li>
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