Changeset 2964 in ntrip for trunk

Feb 4, 2011, 8:52:44 AM (14 years ago)

Wording for online help improved

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r2952 r2964  
    513513    "corrections not older than 'Sync Corr' seconds are available.<p>"));
    514514  _pppAntexLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center corrections for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required for correcting observations for antenna phase center offsets and variations. It allows you to specify the name of your receiver's antenna (as contained in the ANTEX file) to apply such corrections.</p><p>Default is an empty option field meaning that you don't want to correct observations for antenna phase center offsets and variations.</p>"));
    515   _pppAntennaLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the receiver's antenna name as defined in your ANTEX file. Observations will be corrected for the antenna phase center's offset which may result in a reduction of a few centimeters at max. Phase center variations are not yet applied by BNC.</p><p>Default is an empty option field meaning that you don't want to correct observations for antenna phase center offsets.</p>"));
     515  _pppAntennaLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the receiver's antenna name as defined in your ANTEX file. Observations will be corrected for the antenna phase center's offset which may result in a reduction of a few centimeters at max. Corrections for phase center variations are not yet applied by BNC. The specified name must consist of 20 characters. Add trailing blanks if the antenna name has less then 20 characters.</p><p>Default is an empty option field meaning that you don't want to correct observations for antenna phase center offsets.</p>"));
    516516  _pppApplySatAntCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Satellite orbit and clock corrections refer to the satellite's antenna phase centers and hence observations are actually <u>not</u> to be corrected for satellite antenna phase center offsets. However, you may like to tick 'Apply Offsets' to force BNC to correct observations for satellite antenna phase center offsets.</p><p>Default is to <u>not</u> correct observations for satellite antenna phase center offsets."));
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