Changeset 1371 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Dec 28, 2008, 5:14:25 PM (15 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r1359 r1371  
    7070<p><a name="options"><h3>3. Options</h3></p>
    72 The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams from NTRIP broadcasters ('Add Streams'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various tabs to select a combination of processing options before you start the program ('Start'). Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' canvas on the bottom of the main window.
     72The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams from NTRIP broadcasters ('Add Streams'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various tabs to select a combination of processing options before you start the program ('Start'). Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Logs' canvas on the bottom of the main window.
    1281283.12. <a href=#streams>Streams</a><br>
    129129&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.1. <a href=#streamadd>Add Streams</a><br>
    130 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.2. <a href=#streamhost>Broadcaster Host and Port</a><br>
    131 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.3. <a href=#streamuser>Broadcaster User and Password</a><br>
     130&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.2. <a href=#streamhost>Caster Host and Port</a><br>
     131&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.3. <a href=#streamuser>Caster User and Password</a><br>
    132132&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.4. <a href=#streamtable>Get Table</a><br>
    133133&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.12.5. <a href=#streamdelete>Delete Streams</a><br>
    195195<p><a name="genlog"><h4>3.4.1 Logfile - optional</h4></p>
    197 Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' canvas on the bottom of the main window. These logs can be saved into a file when a valid path is specified in the 'Log (full path)' field. The message log covers the communication status between BNC and the NTRIP broadcaster as well as problems that may occur in the communication link, stream availability, stream delay, stream conversion etc. All times are given in UTC. The default value for 'Log (full path)' is an empty option field, meaning that BNC logs will not saved into a file.
     197Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Logs' canvas on the bottom of the main window. These logs can be saved into a file when a valid path is specified in the 'Logfile (full path)' field. The message log covers the communication status between BNC and the NTRIP broadcaster as well as problems that may occur in the communication link, stream availability, stream delay, stream conversion etc. All times are given in UTC. The default value for 'Logfile (full path)' is an empty option field, meaning that BNC logs will not saved into a file.
    507 Note that any socket connection of an application to BNC's synchronized observations 'Port' is recorded in the 'Log' canvas on the bottom of the main window together with a connection counter, leading to log records like 'New Connection # 1'.
     507Note that any socket connection of an application to BNC's synchronized observations 'Port' is recorded in the 'Logs' canvas on the bottom of the main window together with a connection counter, leading to log records like 'New Connection # 1'.
    525 Note that any socket connection of an application to BNC's unsynchronized observations 'Port' is recorded in the 'Log' canvas on the bottom of the main window together with a connection counter, leading to log records like 'New Connection # 1'.
     525Note that any socket connection of an application to BNC's unsynchronized observations 'Port' is recorded in the 'Logs' canvas on the bottom of the main window together with a connection counter, leading to log records like 'New Connection # 1'.
    608 Outage and corruption events are reported in the 'Log' file/canvas. They can also be passed on as parameters to a shell script or batch file to generate an advisory note to BNC operator or affected stream providers. This functionality lets users utilise BNC as a real-time performance monitor and alarm system for a network of GNSS reference stations.
     608Outage and corruption events are reported in the 'Logs' canvas. They can also be passed on as parameters to a shell script or batch file to generate an advisory note to BNC operator or affected stream providers. This functionality lets users utilise BNC as a real-time performance monitor and alarm system for a network of GNSS reference stations.
    697 Latencies of observations or corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris and statistical information can be recorded in the 'Log' file/canvas at the end of each 'Performance log' interval. A typical output from a 1 hour 'Performance log' interval would be:
     697Latencies of observations or corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris and statistical information can be recorded in the 'Logs' canvas at the end of each 'Performance log' interval. A typical output from a 1 hour 'Performance log' interval would be:
    756 <p><a name="streamhost"><h4>3.12.2 Broadcaster Host and Port - mandatory</h4></p>
     756<p><a name="streamhost"><h4>3.12.2 Caster Host and Port - mandatory</h4></p>
    758758Enter the NTRIP broadcaster host IP and port number. <u></u> provides information about known NTRIP broadcaster installations. Note that EUREF and IGS operate NTRIP broadcasters at <u></u> and <u></u>.
    761 <p><a name="streamuser"><h4>3.12.3 Broadcaster User and Password - mandatory for protected streams</h4></p>
     761<p><a name="streamuser"><h4>3.12.3 Caster User and Password - mandatory for protected streams</h4></p>
    763763Some streams on NTRIP broadcasters may be restricted. Enter a valid 'User' ID and 'Password' for access to protected streams. Accounts are usually provided per NTRIP broadcaster through a registration procedure. Register through <u></u> for access to protected streams on <u></u> and <u></u>.
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