/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RTNet GUI * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_svgMap * * Purpose: Plot map of stations/satellites * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 05-Jan-2013 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svgmap.h" using namespace std; using namespace GnssCenter; Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(gnsscenter_svgmap, GnssCenter::t_svgMapFactory) // Constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_svgMap::t_svgMap() : QDialog() { // Map in Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) Format // -------------------------------------------- _mapPlot = new QwtPlot(); _mapPlot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, -180.0, 180.0); _mapPlot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, -90.0, 90.0); _mapPlotZoomer = new QwtPlotZoomer(_mapPlot->canvas()); _mapPlot->canvas()->setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus); QwtPlotSvgItem* mapItem = new QwtPlotSvgItem(); mapItem->loadFile(QRectF(-180.0, -90.0, 360.0, 180.0), ":world.svg"); mapItem->attach(_mapPlot); // Buttons // ------- int ww = QFontMetrics(font()).width('w'); _buttonClose = new QPushButton(tr("Close"), this); _buttonClose->setMaximumWidth(10*ww); connect(_buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClose())); _buttonPrint = new QPushButton(tr("Print"), this); _buttonPrint->setMaximumWidth(10*ww); connect(_buttonPrint, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotPrint())); _buttonWhatsThis = new QPushButton(tr("Help=Shift+F1"), this); _buttonWhatsThis->setMaximumWidth(10*ww); connect(_buttonWhatsThis, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotWhatsThis())); // Layout // ------ QHBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout; buttonLayout->addWidget(_buttonClose); buttonLayout->addWidget(_buttonPrint); buttonLayout->addWidget(_buttonWhatsThis); QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); mainLayout->addWidget(_mapPlot); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout); // WhatsThis // --------- _buttonClose->setWhatsThis(tr("

Close window.

")); _buttonPrint->setWhatsThis(tr("

Print stream distribution map.

")); // Minimal and Maximal Coordinates // ------------------------------- _minPointLat = 0.0; _maxPointLat = 0.0; _minPointLon = 0.0; _maxPointLon = 0.0; // Important // --------- _mapPlot->replot(); } // Destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_svgMap::~t_svgMap() { delete _mapPlot; delete _buttonWhatsThis; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::slotNewPoint(const QString& name, double latDeg, double lonDeg) { if (lonDeg > 180.0) lonDeg -= 360.0; QColor red(220,20,60); QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol::Rect, QBrush(red), QPen(red), QSize(2,2)); QwtPlotMarker* marker = new QwtPlotMarker(); marker->setValue(lonDeg, latDeg); if (lonDeg > 170.0) { marker->setLabelAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); } else { marker->setLabelAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); } QwtText text(name.left(4)); QFont font = text.font(); font.setPointSize(font.pointSize()*0.8); text.setFont(font); marker->setLabel(text); marker->setSymbol(symbol); marker->attach(_mapPlot); // Remeber minimal and maximal coordinates // --------------------------------------- if (_minPointLat == 0.0 && _maxPointLat == 0.0 && _minPointLon == 0.0 && _maxPointLon == 0.0) { _minPointLat = latDeg; _maxPointLat = latDeg; _minPointLon = lonDeg; _maxPointLon = lonDeg; } else { if (_maxPointLat < latDeg) { _maxPointLat = latDeg; } else if (_minPointLat > latDeg) { _minPointLat = latDeg; } if (_maxPointLon < lonDeg) { _maxPointLon = lonDeg; } else if (_minPointLon > lonDeg) { _minPointLon = lonDeg; } } } // Close //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::slotClose() { done(0); } // Close Dialog gracefully //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { QDialog::closeEvent(event); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { double width = _maxPointLon - _minPointLon; double height = _maxPointLat - _minPointLat; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { // Extend plot area by 10 percent // ------------------------------ double eps = 0.1; double epsLon = eps * (_maxPointLon - _minPointLon); double epsLat = eps * (_maxPointLat - _minPointLat); double widthExt = width + 2 * epsLon; double heightExt = height + 2 * epsLat; double minLon = _minPointLon - epsLon; double minLat = _minPointLat - epsLat; // Keep lat/lon relations // ---------------------- double widthBorder = widthExt; double heightBorder = heightExt; double scale = widthExt/heightExt/2.; if ( scale < 1.) { widthBorder = widthExt / scale; minLon = minLon - (widthBorder - widthExt)/2.; } else { heightBorder = heightExt * scale; minLat = minLat - (heightBorder - heightExt)/2.; } // Borders shall not exceed min or max values // ------------------------------------------ if (minLon < -180.) minLon = -180.; if (minLat < -90.) minLat = -90.; double maxLat = minLat + heightBorder; if ( maxLat > 90) minLat = minLat - (maxLat - 90.); double maxLon = minLon + widthBorder; if ( maxLon > 180) minLon = minLon - (maxLon - 180.); // Area large enough to justify world map // -------------------------------------- if (widthBorder < 270.0 && heightBorder < 135.0) { QRectF rect(minLon, minLat, widthBorder, heightBorder); _mapPlotZoomer->zoom(rect); } } QDialog::showEvent(event); } // Print the widget //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::slotPrint() { QPrinter printer; QPrintDialog* dialog = new QPrintDialog(&printer, this); dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Print Map")); if (dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } else { QwtPlotRenderer renderer; renderer.setDiscardFlag(QwtPlotRenderer::DiscardBackground, false); renderer.setLayoutFlag(QwtPlotRenderer::KeepFrames, true); renderer.renderTo(_mapPlot, printer); } } // Whats This Help //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_svgMap::slotWhatsThis() { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); }