/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Server * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncRtnetUploadCaster * * Purpose: Connection to NTRIP Caster * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 29-Mar-2011 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "bncrtnetuploadcaster.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "bncephuser.h" #include "bncclockrinex.h" #include "bncsp3.h" using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncRtnetUploadCaster::bncRtnetUploadCaster(const QString& mountpoint, const QString& outHost, int outPort, const QString& password, const QString& crdTrafo, bool CoM, const QString& sp3FileName, const QString& rnxFileName, const QString& outFileName, int iRow) : bncUploadCaster(mountpoint, outHost, outPort, password, iRow, 0) { _crdTrafo = crdTrafo; _CoM = CoM; // Member that receives the ephemeris // ---------------------------------- _ephUser = new bncEphUser(); bncSettings settings; QString intr = settings.value("uploadIntr").toString(); int sampl = settings.value("uploadSampl").toInt(); _samplOrb = settings.value("uploadSamplOrb").toDouble(); if (_samplOrb == 0.0) { _usedEph = 0; } else { _usedEph = new QMap; } // Raw Output // ---------- if (!outFileName.isEmpty()) { _outFile = new bncoutf(outFileName, intr, sampl); } else { _outFile = 0; } // RINEX writer // ------------ if (!rnxFileName.isEmpty()) { _rnx = new bncClockRinex(rnxFileName, intr, sampl); } else { _rnx = 0; } // SP3 writer // ---------- if (!sp3FileName.isEmpty()) { _sp3 = new bncSP3(sp3FileName, intr, sampl); } else { _sp3 = 0; } // Set Transformation Parameters // ----------------------------- if (_crdTrafo == "ETRF2000") { _dx = 0.0541; _dy = 0.0502; _dz = -0.0538; _dxr = -0.0002; _dyr = 0.0001; _dzr = -0.0018; _ox = 0.000891; _oy = 0.005390; _oz = -0.008712; _oxr = 0.000081; _oyr = 0.000490; _ozr = -0.000792; _sc = 0.40; _scr = 0.08; _t0 = 2000.0; } else if (_crdTrafo == "NAD83") { _dx = 0.9963; _dy = -1.9024; _dz = -0.5210; _dxr = 0.0005; _dyr = -0.0006; _dzr = -0.0013; _ox = -0.025915; _oy = -0.009426; _oz = -0.011599; _oxr = -0.000067; _oyr = 0.000757; _ozr = 0.000051; _sc = 0.78; _scr = -0.10; _t0 = 1997.0; } else if (_crdTrafo == "GDA94") { _dx = -0.07973; _dy = -0.00686; _dz = 0.03803; _dxr = 0.00225; _dyr = -0.00062; _dzr = -0.00056; _ox = 0.0000351; _oy = -0.0021211; _oz = -0.0021411; _oxr = -0.0014707; _oyr = -0.0011443; _ozr = -0.0011701; _sc = 6.636; _scr = 0.294; _t0 = 1994.0; } else if (_crdTrafo == "SIRGAS2000") { _dx = -0.0051; _dy = -0.0065; _dz = -0.0099; _dxr = 0.0000; _dyr = 0.0000; _dzr = 0.0000; _ox = 0.000150; _oy = 0.000020; _oz = 0.000021; _oxr = 0.000000; _oyr = 0.000000; _ozr = 0.000000; _sc = 0.000; _scr = 0.000; _t0 = 0000.0; } else if (_crdTrafo == "SIRGAS95") { _dx = 0.0077; _dy = 0.0058; _dz = -0.0138; _dxr = 0.0000; _dyr = 0.0000; _dzr = 0.0000; _ox = 0.000000; _oy = 0.000000; _oz = -0.000030; _oxr = 0.000000; _oyr = 0.000000; _ozr = 0.000000; _sc = 1.570; _scr = 0.000; _t0 = 0000.0; } else if (_crdTrafo == "Custom") { _dx = settings.value("trafo_dx").toDouble(); _dy = settings.value("trafo_dy").toDouble(); _dz = settings.value("trafo_dz").toDouble(); _dxr = settings.value("trafo_dxr").toDouble(); _dyr = settings.value("trafo_dyr").toDouble(); _dzr = settings.value("trafo_dzr").toDouble(); _ox = settings.value("trafo_ox").toDouble(); _oy = settings.value("trafo_oy").toDouble(); _oz = settings.value("trafo_oz").toDouble(); _oxr = settings.value("trafo_oxr").toDouble(); _oyr = settings.value("trafo_oyr").toDouble(); _ozr = settings.value("trafo_ozr").toDouble(); _sc = settings.value("trafo_sc").toDouble(); _scr = settings.value("trafo_scr").toDouble(); _t0 = settings.value("trafo_t0").toDouble(); } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncRtnetUploadCaster::~bncRtnetUploadCaster() { if (isRunning()) { wait(); } delete _outFile; delete _rnx; delete _sp3; delete _ephUser; delete _usedEph; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRtnetUploadCaster::decodeRtnetStream(char* buffer, int bufLen) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); // Append to internal buffer // ------------------------- _rtnetStreamBuffer.append(QByteArray(buffer, bufLen)); // Select buffer part that contains last epoch // ------------------------------------------- QStringList lines; int iEpoBeg = _rtnetStreamBuffer.lastIndexOf('*'); // begin of last epoch if (iEpoBeg == -1) { _rtnetStreamBuffer.clear(); return; } _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iEpoBeg); int iEpoEnd = _rtnetStreamBuffer.lastIndexOf("EOE"); // end of last epoch if (iEpoEnd == -1) { return; } else { lines = _rtnetStreamBuffer.left(iEpoEnd).split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iEpoEnd+3); } if (lines.size() < 2) { return; } // Keep the last unfinished line in buffer // --------------------------------------- int iLastEOL = _rtnetStreamBuffer.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (iLastEOL != -1) { _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iLastEOL+1); } // Read first line (with epoch time) // --------------------------------- QTextStream in(lines[0].toAscii()); QString hlp; int year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; in >> hlp >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> min >> sec; bncTime epoTime; epoTime.set( year, month, day, hour, min, sec); struct ClockOrbit co; memset(&co, 0, sizeof(co)); co.GPSEpochTime = static_cast(epoTime.gpssec()); co.GLONASSEpochTime = static_cast(fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), 86400.0)) + 3 * 3600 - gnumleap(year, month, day); co.ClockDataSupplied = 1; co.OrbitDataSupplied = 1; co.SatRefDatum = DATUM_ITRF; struct Bias bias; memset(&bias, 0, sizeof(bias)); bias.GPSEpochTime = co.GPSEpochTime; bias.GLONASSEpochTime = co.GLONASSEpochTime; for (int ii = 1; ii < lines.size(); ii++) { QString prn; ColumnVector xx(14); xx = 0.0; QTextStream in(lines[ii].toAscii()); in >> prn; if (prn[0] == 'P') { prn.remove(0,1); } t_eph* eph = 0; const bncEphUser::t_ephPair* ephPair = _ephUser->ephPair(prn); if (ephPair) { eph = ephPair->last; // receptDateTime() not (yet?) defined // if (ephPair->prev && // eph->receptDateTime().secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) < 60) { // eph = ephPair->prev; // } // Make sure the clock messages refer to same IOD as orbit messages // ---------------------------------------------------------------- if (_usedEph) { if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplOrb) == 0.0) { (*_usedEph)[prn] = eph; } else { eph = 0; if (_usedEph->contains(prn)) { t_eph* usedEph = _usedEph->value(prn); if (usedEph == ephPair->last) { eph = ephPair->last; } else if (usedEph == ephPair->prev) { eph = ephPair->prev; } } } } } if (eph) { in >> xx(1) >> xx(2) >> xx(3) >> xx(4) >> xx(5) >> xx(6) >> xx(7) >> xx(8) >> xx(9) >> xx(10) >> xx(11) >> xx(12) >> xx(13) >> xx(14); xx(1) *= 1e3; // x-crd xx(2) *= 1e3; // y-crd xx(3) *= 1e3; // z-crd xx(4) *= 1e-6; // clk xx(5) *= 1e-6; // rel. corr. // xx(6), xx(7), xx(8) ... PhaseCent - CoM // xx(9) ... P1-C1 DCB in meters // xx(10) ... P1-P2 DCB in meters // xx(11) ... dT xx(12) *= 1e3; // x-crd at time + dT xx(13) *= 1e3; // y-crd at time + dT xx(14) *= 1e3; // z-crd at time + dT struct ClockOrbit::SatData* sd = 0; if (prn[0] == 'G') { sd = co.Sat + co.NumberOfGPSSat; ++co.NumberOfGPSSat; } else if (prn[0] == 'R') { sd = co.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + co.NumberOfGLONASSSat; ++co.NumberOfGLONASSSat; } if (sd) { QString outLine; processSatellite(eph, epoTime.gpsw(), epoTime.gpssec(), prn, xx, sd, outLine); if (_outFile) { _outFile->write(epoTime.gpsw(), epoTime.gpssec(), outLine); } } struct Bias::BiasSat* biasSat = 0; if (prn[0] == 'G') { biasSat = bias.Sat + bias.NumberOfGPSSat; ++bias.NumberOfGPSSat; } else if (prn[0] == 'R') { biasSat = bias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + bias.NumberOfGLONASSSat; ++bias.NumberOfGLONASSSat; } // Coefficient of Ionosphere-Free LC // --------------------------------- const static double a_L1_GPS = 2.54572778; const static double a_L2_GPS = -1.54572778; const static double a_L1_Glo = 2.53125000; const static double a_L2_Glo = -1.53125000; if (biasSat) { biasSat->ID = prn.mid(1).toInt(); biasSat->NumberOfCodeBiases = 3; if (prn[0] == 'G') { biasSat->Biases[0].Type = CODETYPEGPS_L1_Z; biasSat->Biases[0].Bias = - a_L2_GPS * xx(10); biasSat->Biases[1].Type = CODETYPEGPS_L1_CA; biasSat->Biases[1].Bias = - a_L2_GPS * xx(10) + xx(9); biasSat->Biases[2].Type = CODETYPEGPS_L2_Z; biasSat->Biases[2].Bias = a_L1_GPS * xx(10); } else if (prn[0] == 'R') { biasSat->Biases[0].Type = CODETYPEGLONASS_L1_P; biasSat->Biases[0].Bias = - a_L2_Glo * xx(10); biasSat->Biases[1].Type = CODETYPEGLONASS_L1_CA; biasSat->Biases[1].Bias = - a_L2_Glo * xx(10) + xx(9); biasSat->Biases[2].Type = CODETYPEGLONASS_L2_P; biasSat->Biases[2].Bias = a_L1_Glo * xx(10); } } } } QByteArray hlpBufferCo; // Orbit and Clock Corrections together // ------------------------------------ if (_samplOrb == 0.0) { if (co.NumberOfGPSSat > 0 || co.NumberOfGLONASSSat > 0) { char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE]; int len = MakeClockOrbit(&co, COTYPE_AUTO, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len > 0) { hlpBufferCo = QByteArray(obuffer, len); } } } // Orbit and Clock Corrections separately // -------------------------------------- else { if (co.NumberOfGPSSat > 0) { char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE]; if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplOrb) == 0.0) { int len1 = MakeClockOrbit(&co, COTYPE_GPSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len1 > 0) { hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1); } } int mmsg = (co.NumberOfGLONASSSat > 0) ? 1 : 0; int len2 = MakeClockOrbit(&co, COTYPE_GPSCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len2 > 0) { hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2); } } if (co.NumberOfGLONASSSat > 0) { char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE]; if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplOrb) == 0.0) { int len1 = MakeClockOrbit(&co, COTYPE_GLONASSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len1 > 0) { hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1); } } int len2 = MakeClockOrbit(&co, COTYPE_GLONASSCLOCK, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len2 > 0) { hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2); } } } // Biases // ------ QByteArray hlpBufferBias; if (bias.NumberOfGPSSat > 0 || bias.NumberOfGLONASSSat > 0) { char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE]; int len = MakeBias(&bias, BTYPE_AUTO, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer)); if (len > 0) { hlpBufferBias = QByteArray(obuffer, len); } } if (hlpBufferCo.size() > 0) { _outBuffer = hlpBufferCo + hlpBufferBias; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRtnetUploadCaster::processSatellite(t_eph* eph, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const QString& prn, const ColumnVector& xx, struct ClockOrbit::SatData* sd, QString& outLine) { const double secPerWeek = 7.0 * 86400.0; ColumnVector rsw(3); ColumnVector rsw2(3); double dClk; for (int ii = 1; ii <= 2; ++ii) { int GPSweek12 = GPSweek; double GPSweeks12 = GPSweeks; if (ii == 2) { GPSweeks12 += xx(11); if (GPSweeks12 > secPerWeek) { GPSweek12 += 1; GPSweeks12 -= secPerWeek; } } ColumnVector xB(4); ColumnVector vv(3); eph->position(GPSweek12, GPSweeks12, xB.data(), vv.data()); ColumnVector xyz; if (ii == 1) { xyz = xx.Rows(1,3); } else { xyz = xx.Rows(12,14); } // Correction Center of Mass -> Antenna Phase Center // ------------------------------------------------- if (! _CoM) { xyz(1) += xx(6); xyz(2) += xx(7); xyz(3) += xx(8); } if (_crdTrafo != "IGS05") { crdTrafo(GPSweek12, xyz); } ColumnVector dx = xB.Rows(1,3) - xyz ; if (ii == 1) { XYZ_to_RSW(xB.Rows(1,3), vv, dx, rsw); dClk = (xx(4) + xx(5) - xB(4)) * 299792458.0; } else { XYZ_to_RSW(xB.Rows(1,3), vv, dx, rsw2); } } if (sd) { sd->ID = prn.mid(1).toInt(); sd->IOD = eph->IOD(); sd->Clock.DeltaA0 = dClk; sd->Orbit.DeltaRadial = rsw(1); sd->Orbit.DeltaAlongTrack = rsw(2); sd->Orbit.DeltaCrossTrack = rsw(3); sd->Orbit.DotDeltaRadial = (rsw2(1) - rsw(1)) / xx(11); sd->Orbit.DotDeltaAlongTrack = (rsw2(2) - rsw(2)) / xx(11); sd->Orbit.DotDeltaCrossTrack = (rsw2(3) - rsw(3)) / xx(11); } outLine.sprintf("%d %.1f %s %3d %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", GPSweek, GPSweeks, eph->prn().toAscii().data(), eph->IOD(), dClk, rsw(1), rsw(2), rsw(3)); if (_rnx) { _rnx->write(GPSweek, GPSweeks, prn, xx); } if (_sp3) { _sp3->write(GPSweek, GPSweeks, prn, xx); } } // Transform Coordinates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRtnetUploadCaster::crdTrafo(int GPSWeek, ColumnVector& xyz) { // Current epoch minus 2000.0 in years // ------------------------------------ double dt = (GPSWeek - (1042.0+6.0/7.0)) / 365.2422 * 7.0 + 2000.0 - _t0; ColumnVector dx(3); dx(1) = _dx + dt * _dxr; dx(2) = _dy + dt * _dyr; dx(3) = _dz + dt * _dzr; static const double arcSec = 180.0 * 3600.0 / M_PI; double ox = (_ox + dt * _oxr) / arcSec; double oy = (_oy + dt * _oyr) / arcSec; double oz = (_oz + dt * _ozr) / arcSec; double sc = 1.0 + _sc * 1e-9 + dt * _scr * 1e-9; Matrix rMat(3,3); rMat(1,1) = 1.0; rMat(1,2) = -oz; rMat(1,3) = oy; rMat(2,1) = oz; rMat(2,2) = 1.0; rMat(2,3) = -ox; rMat(3,1) = -oy; rMat(3,2) = ox; rMat(3,3) = 1.0; xyz = sc * rMat * xyz + dx; }