// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #ifndef BNCUTILS_H #define BNCUTILS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include void expandEnvVar(QString& str); /** * Return GPS leap seconds for a given UTC time * @param year 4 digit year * @param month month in year (1-12) * @param day day in month (1-31) * @return number of leap seconds since 6.1.1980 */ int gnumleap(int year, int month, int day); /** * Convert Moscow time into GPS or UTC. Note that parts of a second are not preserved * and must be handled separately. * @param week GPS week number (must be prefilled, contains fixed value afterwards) * @param secOfWeek seconds in GPS week (must be prefilled, contains fixed value afterwards) * @param mSecOfWeek milli seconds in GLONASS time * @param fixnumleap when true then result is UTC time, otherwise it is GPS * @return does not return a value, but updates first two arguments */ void updatetime(int *week, int *secOfWeek, int mSecOfWeek, bool fixnumleap); QDateTime dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(int GPSWeek, double GPSWeeks); void currentGPSWeeks(int& week, double& sec); QDateTime currentDateAndTimeGPS(); QByteArray ggaString(const QByteArray& latitude, const QByteArray& longitude, const QByteArray& height, const QString& ggaType); void RSW_to_XYZ(const ColumnVector& rr, const ColumnVector& vv, const ColumnVector& rsw, ColumnVector& xyz); void XYZ_to_RSW(const ColumnVector& rr, const ColumnVector& vv, const ColumnVector& xyz, ColumnVector& rsw); t_irc xyz2ell(const double* XYZ, double* Ell); void xyz2neu(const double* Ell, const double* xyz, double* neu); void neu2xyz(const double* Ell, const double* neu, double* xyz); void jacobiXYZ_NEU(const double* Ell, Matrix& jacobi); void jacobiEll_XYZ(const double* Ell, Matrix& jacobi); void covariXYZ_NEU(const SymmetricMatrix& Qxyz, const double* Ell, SymmetricMatrix& Qneu); void covariNEU_XYZ(const SymmetricMatrix& Qneu, const double* Ell, SymmetricMatrix& Qxyz); double Frac(double x); double Modulo(double x, double y); double nint(double val); ColumnVector rungeKutta4(double xi, const ColumnVector& yi, double dx, double* acc, ColumnVector (*der)(double x, const ColumnVector& y, double* acc)); void GPSweekFromDateAndTime(const QDateTime& dateTime, int& GPSWeek, double& GPSWeeks); void GPSweekFromYMDhms(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec, int& GPSWeek, double& GPSWeeks); void mjdFromDateAndTime(const QDateTime& dateTime, int& mjd, double& dayfrac); bool findInVector(const std::vector& vv, const QString& str); int readInt(const QString& str, int pos, int len, int& value); int readDbl(const QString& str, int pos, int len, double& value); void topos(double xRec, double yRec, double zRec, double xSat, double ySat, double zSat, double& rho, double& eleSat, double& azSat); void deg2DMS(double decDeg, int& deg, int& min, double& sec); QString fortranFormat(double value, int width, int prec); void kalman(const Matrix& AA, const ColumnVector& ll, const DiagonalMatrix& PP, SymmetricMatrix& QQ, ColumnVector& xx); double djul(long j1, long m1, double tt); double gpjd(double second, int nweek) ; void jdgp(double tjul, double & second, long & nweek); void jmt (double djul, long& jj, long& mm, double& dd); void stripWhiteSpace(std::string& str); double accuracyFromIndex(int index, t_eph::e_type type); int indexFromAccuracy(double accuracy, t_eph::e_type type); #endif