// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncGetThread * * Purpose: Thread that retrieves data from NTRIP caster * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Dec-2005 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bncgetthread.h" #include "bnctabledlg.h" #include "bncapp.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncrinex.h" #include "bnczerodecoder.h" #include "bncsocket.h" #include "RTCM/RTCM2Decoder.h" #include "RTCM3/RTCM3Decoder.h" #include "RTIGS/RTIGSDecoder.h" #include "GPSS/gpssDecoder.h" #include "serial/qextserialport.h" using namespace std; // Constructor 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::bncGetThread(const QByteArray& rawInpFileName, const QByteArray& format) { _format = format; int iSep = rawInpFileName.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()); _staID = rawInpFileName.mid(iSep+1,4); initialize(); _inspSegm = 0; _rawInpFile = new QFile(rawInpFileName); _rawInpFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!_rnx) { cerr << "no RINEX path specified" << endl; ::exit(0); } } // Constructor 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::bncGetThread(const QUrl& mountPoint, const QByteArray& format, const QByteArray& latitude, const QByteArray& longitude, const QByteArray& nmea, const QByteArray& ntripVersion, int iMount) { setTerminationEnabled(true); _mountPoint = mountPoint; _staID = mountPoint.path().mid(1).toAscii(); _format = format; _latitude = latitude; _longitude = longitude; _nmea = nmea; _ntripVersion = ntripVersion; _iMount = iMount; // index in mountpoints array initialize(); } // Initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::initialize() { bncApp* app = (bncApp*) qApp; app->connect(this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), app, SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray,bool))); _decoder = 0; _socket = 0; _timeOut = 20*1000; // 20 seconds _nextSleep = 1; // 1 second _rawInpFile = 0; _rawOutFile = 0; _staID_orig = _staID; // Check name conflict // ------------------- QSettings settings; QListIterator it(settings.value("mountPoints").toStringList()); int num = 0; int ind = -1; while (it.hasNext()) { ++ind; QStringList hlp = it.next().split(" "); if (hlp.size() <= 1) continue; QUrl url(hlp[0]); if (_mountPoint.path() == url.path()) { if (_iMount > ind || _iMount < 0) { ++num; } } } if (num > 0) { _staID = _staID.left(_staID.length()-1) + QString("%1").arg(num).toAscii(); } // Notice threshold // ---------------- _inspSegm = 50; if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().isEmpty() ) { _inspSegm = 0; } if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().indexOf("5 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 2; } if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().indexOf("1 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 10; } if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().indexOf("0.5 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 20; } if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().indexOf("0.2 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 40; } if ( settings.value("obsRate").toString().indexOf("0.1 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 50; } _adviseFail = settings.value("adviseFail").toInt(); _adviseReco = settings.value("adviseReco").toInt(); _makePause = false; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("makePause").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) {_makePause = true; } _adviseScript = settings.value("adviseScript").toString(); expandEnvVar(_adviseScript); // Latency interval/average // ------------------------ _perfIntr = 86400; if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().isEmpty() ) { _perfIntr = 0; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("1 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 60; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("5 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 300; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("15 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 900; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("1 hour") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 3600; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("6 hours") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 21600; } if ( settings.value("perfIntr").toString().indexOf("1 day") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 86400; } // RTCM message types // ------------------ _checkMountPoint = settings.value("miscMount").toString(); // RINEX writer // ------------ _samplingRate = settings.value("rnxSampl").toInt(); if ( settings.value("rnxPath").toString().isEmpty() ) { _rnx = 0; } else { _rnx = new bncRinex(_staID, _mountPoint, _format, _latitude, _longitude, _nmea, _ntripVersion); } _rnx_set_position = false; connect(((bncApp*)qApp), SIGNAL(newEphGPS(gpsephemeris)), this, SLOT(slotNewEphGPS(gpsephemeris))); if (settings.value("serialMountPoint").toString() == _staID) { _serialPort = new QextSerialPort( settings.value("serialPortName").toString() ); QString hlp = settings.value("serialBaudRate").toString(); if (hlp == "110") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD110); } else if (hlp == "300") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD300); } else if (hlp == "600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD600); } else if (hlp == "1200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD1200); } else if (hlp == "2400") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD2400); } else if (hlp == "4800") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD4800); } else if (hlp == "9600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD9600); } else if (hlp == "19200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD19200); } else if (hlp == "38400") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD38400); } else if (hlp == "57600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD57600); } else if (hlp == "115200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD115200); } hlp = settings.value("serialParity").toString(); if (hlp == "NONE") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_NONE); } else if (hlp == "ODD") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_ODD); } else if (hlp == "EVEN") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_EVEN); } else if (hlp == "SPACE") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_SPACE); } hlp = settings.value("serialDataBits").toString(); if (hlp == "5") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_5); } else if (hlp == "6") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_6); } else if (hlp == "7") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_7); } else if (hlp == "8") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_8); } hlp = settings.value("serialStopBits").toString(); if (hlp == "1") { _serialPort->setStopBits(STOP_1); } else if (hlp == "2") { _serialPort->setStopBits(STOP_2); } _serialPort->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Unbuffered); if (!_serialPort->isOpen()) { delete _serialPort; _serialPort = 0; emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Cannot Open Serial Port\n"), true)); } } else { _serialPort = 0; } // Raw Output // ---------- // QByteArray rawOutFileName = "./" + _staID + ".raw"; // _rawOutFile = new QFile(rawOutFileName); // _rawOutFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); msleep(100); //sleep 0.1 sec } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::~bncGetThread() { if (_socket) { _socket->close(); #if QT_VERSION == 0x040203 delete _socket; #else _socket->deleteLater(); #endif } delete _decoder; delete _rnx; delete _rawInpFile; delete _rawOutFile; delete _serialPort; } // Init Run //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc bncGetThread::initRun() { if (!_rawInpFile) { // Initialize Socket // ----------------- QString msg; delete _socket; _socket = new bncSocket; if (_socket->request(_mountPoint, _latitude, _longitude, _nmea, _ntripVersion, _timeOut, msg) != success) { delete _socket; _socket = 0; return failure; } // Read Caster Response // -------------------- if (_ntripVersion == "1") { _socket->waitForReadyRead(_timeOut); if (_socket->canReadLine()) { QString line = _socket->readLine(); // Skip messages from proxy server // ------------------------------- if (line.indexOf("ICY 200 OK") == -1 && line.indexOf("200 OK") != -1 ) { bool proxyRespond = true; while (true) { if (_socket->canReadLine()) { line = _socket->readLine(); if (!proxyRespond) { break; } if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) { proxyRespond = false; } } else { _socket->waitForReadyRead(_timeOut); if (_socket->bytesAvailable() <= 0) { break; } } } } if (line.indexOf("Unauthorized") != -1) { QStringList table; bncTableDlg::getFullTable(_mountPoint.host(), _mountPoint.port(), _ntripVersion, table); QString net; QStringListIterator it(table); while (it.hasNext()) { QString line = it.next(); if (line.indexOf("STR") == 0) { QStringList tags = line.split(";"); if (tags.at(1) == _staID_orig) { net = tags.at(7); break; } } } QString reg; it.toFront(); while (it.hasNext()) { QString line = it.next(); if (line.indexOf("NET") == 0) { QStringList tags = line.split(";"); if (tags.at(1) == net) { reg = tags.at(7); break; } } } emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Caster Response: " + line + " Adjust User-ID and Password Register, see" "\n " + reg).toAscii(), true)); return fatal; } if (line.indexOf("ICY 200 OK") != 0) { emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Wrong Caster Response:\n" + line).toAscii(), true)); return failure; } } else { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Response Timeout", true)); return failure; } } } // Instantiate the filter // ---------------------- if (!_decoder) { if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1) { emit(newMessage("Get Data: " + _staID + " in RTCM 2.x format", true)); _decoder = new RTCM2Decoder(_staID.data()); } else if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_3") != -1) { emit(newMessage("Get Data: " + _staID + " in RTCM 3.x format", true)); _decoder = new RTCM3Decoder(_staID); connect((RTCM3Decoder*) _decoder, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool))); } else if (_format.indexOf("RTIGS") != -1) { emit(newMessage("Get Data: " + _staID + " in RTIGS format", true)); _decoder = new RTIGSDecoder(); } else if (_format.indexOf("GPSS") != -1 || _format.indexOf("BNC") != -1) { emit(newMessage("Get Data: " + _staID + " in GPSS format", true)); _decoder = new gpssDecoder(); } else if (_format.indexOf("ZERO") != -1) { emit(newMessage("Get Data: " + _staID + " in original format", true)); _decoder = new bncZeroDecoder(_staID); } else { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Unknown data format " + _format, true)); if (_rawInpFile) { cerr << "Uknown data format" << endl; ::exit(0); } else { return fatal; } } } return success; } // Run //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::run() { const double maxDt = 600.0; // Check observation epoch bool wrongEpoch = false; bool decode = true; int numSucc = 0; int secSucc = 0; int secFail = 0; int initPause = 30; // Initial pause for corrupted streams int currPause = 0; bool begCorrupt = false; bool endCorrupt = false; bool followSec = false; int oldSecGPS= 0; int newSecGPS = 0; int numGaps = 0; int diffSecGPS = 0; int numLat = 0; double sumLat = 0.; double sumLatQ = 0.; double meanDiff = 0.; double minLat = maxDt; double maxLat = -maxDt; double curLat = 0.; _decodeTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _decodeSucc = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); t_irc irc = initRun(); if (irc == fatal) { QThread::exit(1); return; } else if (irc != success) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": initRun failed, reconnecting", true)); tryReconnect(); } if (initPause < _inspSegm) { initPause = _inspSegm; } if(!_makePause) {initPause = 0;} currPause = initPause; // Read Incoming Data // ------------------ while (true) { try { if (_socket && _socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Socket not connected, reconnecting", true)); tryReconnect(); } QListIterator it(_decoder->_obsList); while (it.hasNext()) { delete it.next(); } _decoder->_obsList.clear(); qint64 nBytes = 0; if (_socket) { _socket->waitForReadyRead(_timeOut); nBytes = _socket->bytesAvailable(); } else if (_rawInpFile) { const qint64 maxBytes = 1024; nBytes = maxBytes; } if (nBytes > 0) { emit newBytes(_staID, nBytes); QByteArray data; if (_socket) { data = _socket->read(nBytes); } else if (_rawInpFile) { data = _rawInpFile->read(nBytes); if (data.isEmpty()) { cout << "no more data" << endl; ::exit(0); } } if (_rawOutFile) { _rawOutFile->write(data); _rawOutFile->flush(); } if (_serialPort) { _serialPort->write(data); //// _serialPort->flush(); } if (_inspSegm<1) { vector errmsg; _decoder->Decode(data.data(), data.size(), errmsg); #ifdef DEBUG_RTCM2_2021 for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < errmsg.size(); ii++) { emit newMessage(_staID + ": " + errmsg[ii].c_str(), false); } #endif } else { // Decode data // ----------- if (!_decodePause.isValid() || _decodePause.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= currPause ) { if (decode) { vector errmsg; if ( _decoder->Decode(data.data(), data.size(), errmsg) == success ) { numSucc += 1; } if ( _decodeTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _inspSegm ) { decode = false; } #ifdef DEBUG_RTCM2_2021 for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < errmsg.size(); ii++) { emit newMessage(_staID + ": " + errmsg[ii].c_str(), false); } #endif } // Check - once per inspect segment // -------------------------------- if (!decode) { _decodeTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (numSucc>0) { secSucc += _inspSegm; _decodeSucc = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (secSucc > _adviseReco * 60) { secSucc = _adviseReco * 60 + 1; } numSucc = 0; currPause = initPause; _decodePause.setDate(QDate()); _decodePause.setTime(QTime()); } else { secFail += _inspSegm; secSucc = 0; if (secFail > _adviseFail * 60) { secFail = _adviseFail * 60 + 1; } if (!_decodePause.isValid() || !_makePause) { _decodePause = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { _decodePause.setDate(QDate()); _decodePause.setTime(QTime()); secFail = secFail + currPause - _inspSegm; currPause = currPause * 2; if (currPause > 960) { currPause = 960; } } } // End corrupt threshold // --------------------- if ( begCorrupt && !endCorrupt && secSucc > _adviseReco * 60 ) { _endDateCor = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60).toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _endTimeCor = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60).toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Recovery threshold exceeded, corruption ended " + _endDateCor + " " + _endTimeCor).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("End_Corrupted " + _endDateCor + " " + _endTimeCor + " Begin was " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii()); endCorrupt = true; begCorrupt = false; secFail = 0; } else { // Begin corrupt threshold // ----------------------- if ( !begCorrupt && secFail > _adviseFail * 60 ) { _begDateCor = _decodeSucc.toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _begTimeCor = _decodeSucc.toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Failure threshold exceeded, corrupted since " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("Begin_Corrupted " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii()); begCorrupt = true; endCorrupt = false; secSucc = 0; numSucc = 0; } } decode = true; } } } // End outage threshold // -------------------- if ( _decodeStart.isValid() && _decodeStart.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _adviseReco * 60 ) { _decodeStart.setDate(QDate()); _decodeStart.setTime(QTime()); if (_inspSegm>0) { _endDateOut = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60).toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _endTimeOut = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60).toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Recovery threshold exceeded, outage ended " + _endDateOut + " " + _endTimeOut).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("End_Outage " + _endDateOut + " " + _endTimeOut + " Begin was " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii()); } } // RTCM scan output // ---------------- if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { QSettings settings; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("scanRTCM").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { // RTCMv3 message types // -------------------- if (0<_decoder->_typeList.size()) { QString type; for (int ii=0;ii<_decoder->_typeList.size();ii++) { type = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_typeList[ii]); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Received message type " + type.toAscii(), true)); } } // RTCMv3 antenna descriptor // ------------------------- if (0<_decoder->_antType.size()) { QString ant1; for (int ii=0;ii<_decoder->_antType.size();ii++) { ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_antType[ii]); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Antenna descriptor " + ant1.toAscii(), true)); } } // Antenna XYZ // ------------------ if (0<_decoder->_antList.size()) { for (int ii=0;ii<_decoder->_antList.size();++ii) { QByteArray ant1,ant2,ant3, antT; ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_antList[ii].xx,0,'f',4).toAscii(); ant2 = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_antList[ii].yy,0,'f',4).toAscii(); ant3 = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_antList[ii].zz,0,'f',4).toAscii(); switch (_decoder->_antList[ii].type) { case GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::ARP: antT = "ARP"; break; case GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::APC: antT = "APC"; break; } emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) X " + ant1 + "m", true)); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) Y " + ant2 + "m", true)); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) Z " + ant3 + "m", true)); if (_decoder->_antList[ii].height_f) { QByteArray ant4 = QString("%1 ").arg(_decoder->_antList[ii].height,0,'f',4).toAscii(); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Antenna height above marker " + ant4 + "m", true)); } emit(newAntCrd(_staID, _decoder->_antList[ii].xx, _decoder->_antList[ii].yy, _decoder->_antList[ii].zz, antT)); } } } if ( _checkMountPoint == "ANTCRD_ONLY" && _decoder->_antList.size() ) { for (int ii=0;ii<_decoder->_antList.size();++ii) { QByteArray antT; switch (_decoder->_antList[ii].type) { case GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::ARP: antT = "ARP"; break; case GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::APC: antT = "APC"; break; } emit(newAntCrd(_staID, _decoder->_antList[ii].xx, _decoder->_antList[ii].yy, _decoder->_antList[ii].zz, antT)); } } } _decoder->_typeList.clear(); _decoder->_antType.clear(); _decoder->_antList.clear(); // Loop over all observations (observations output) // ------------------------------------------------ QListIterator it(_decoder->_obsList); while (it.hasNext()) { p_obs obs = it.next(); // Check observation epoch // ----------------------- if (!_rawInpFile && !dynamic_cast(_decoder)) { int week; double sec; currentGPSWeeks(week, sec); const double secPerWeek = 7.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; if (week < obs->_o.GPSWeek) { week += 1; sec -= secPerWeek; } if (week > obs->_o.GPSWeek) { week -= 1; sec += secPerWeek; } double dt = fabs(sec - obs->_o.GPSWeeks); if (week != obs->_o.GPSWeek || dt > maxDt) { if (!wrongEpoch) { emit( newMessage(_staID + ": Wrong observation epoch(s)", true) ); wrongEpoch = true; } delete obs; continue; } else { wrongEpoch = false; // Latency and completeness // ------------------------ if (_perfIntr>0) { if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { newSecGPS = static_cast(obs->_o.GPSWeeks); if (newSecGPS != oldSecGPS) { if (newSecGPS % _perfIntr < oldSecGPS % _perfIntr) { if (numLat>0) { if (meanDiff>0.) { emit( newMessage(QString("%1: Mean latency %2 sec, min %3, max %4, rms %5, %6 epochs, %7 gaps") .arg(_staID.data()) .arg(int(sumLat/numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((sumLatQ - sumLat * sumLat / numLat)/numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(numLat) .arg(numGaps) .toAscii(), true) ); } else { emit( newMessage(QString("%1: Mean latency %2 sec, min %3, max %4, rms %5, %6 epochs") .arg(_staID.data()) .arg(int(sumLat/numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((sumLatQ - sumLat * sumLat / numLat)/numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(numLat) .toAscii(), true) ); } } meanDiff = diffSecGPS/numLat; diffSecGPS = 0; numGaps = 0; sumLat = 0.; sumLatQ = 0.; numLat = 0; minLat = maxDt; maxLat = -maxDt; } if (followSec) { diffSecGPS += newSecGPS - oldSecGPS; if (meanDiff>0.) { if (newSecGPS - oldSecGPS > 1.5 * meanDiff) { numGaps += 1; } } } curLat = sec - obs->_o.GPSWeeks; sumLat += curLat; sumLatQ += curLat * curLat; if (curLat < minLat) minLat = curLat; if (curLat >= maxLat) maxLat = curLat; numLat += 1; oldSecGPS = newSecGPS; followSec = true; } } } } } // RINEX Output // ------------ if (_rnx) { bool dump = true; //// // RTCMv2 XYZ //// // ---------- //// RTCM2Decoder* decoder2 = dynamic_cast(_decoder); //// if ( decoder2 && !_rnx_set_position ) { //// double stax, stay, staz; //// double dL1[3], dL2[3]; //// if ( decoder2->getStaCrd(stax, stay, staz, //// dL1[0], dL1[1], dL1[2], //// dL2[0], dL2[1], dL2[2]) == success ) { //// //// if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { //// QString ant1; //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(stax,0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP X " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(stay,0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP Y " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(staz,0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP Z " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[0],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DX " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[1],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DY " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[2],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DZ " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[0],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DX " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[1],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DY " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[2],0,'f',4); //// emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DZ " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" )); //// } //// _rnx_set_position = true; //// } //// } if ( dump ) { long iSec = long(floor(obs->_o.GPSWeeks+0.5)); long newTime = obs->_o.GPSWeek * 7*24*3600 + iSec; if (_samplingRate == 0 || iSec % _samplingRate == 0) { _rnx->deepCopy(obs); } _rnx->dumpEpoch(newTime); } } // Emit new observation signal // --------------------------- bool firstObs = (obs == _decoder->_obsList.first()); obs->_status = t_obs::posted; emit newObs(_staID, firstObs, obs); } _decoder->_obsList.clear(); } // Timeout, reconnect // ------------------ else { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Data Timeout, reconnecting", true)); tryReconnect(); } } catch (const char* msg) { emit(newMessage(_staID + msg, true)); tryReconnect(); } } } // Exit //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::exit(int exitCode) { if (exitCode!= 0) { emit error(_staID); } QThread::exit(exitCode); terminate(); } // Try Re-Connect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::tryReconnect() { if (_rnx) { _rnx->setReconnectFlag(true); } if ( !_decodeStart.isValid()) { _decodeStop = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } while (1) { sleep(_nextSleep); if ( initRun() == success ) { if ( !_decodeStop.isValid()) { _decodeStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } break; } else { // Begin outage threshold // ---------------------- if ( _decodeStop.isValid() && _decodeStop.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _adviseFail * 60 ) { _decodeStop.setDate(QDate()); _decodeStop.setTime(QTime()); if (_inspSegm>0) { _begDateOut = _decodeTime.toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _begTimeOut = _decodeTime.toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Failure threshold exceeded, outage since " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("Begin_Outage " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii()); } } _nextSleep *= 2; if (_nextSleep > 256) { _nextSleep = 256; } _nextSleep += rand() % 6; } } _nextSleep = 1; } // Call advisory notice script //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::callScript(const char* _comment) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!_adviseScript.isEmpty()) { msleep(1); #ifdef WIN32 QProcess::startDetached(_adviseScript, QStringList() << _staID << _comment) ; #else QProcess::startDetached("nohup", QStringList() << _adviseScript << _staID << _comment) ; #endif } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::slotNewEphGPS(gpsephemeris gpseph) { RTCM2Decoder* decoder = dynamic_cast(_decoder); if ( decoder ) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); string storedPRN; vector IODs; if ( decoder->storeEph(gpseph, storedPRN, IODs) ) { #ifdef DEBUG_RTCM2_2021 QString msg = _staID + QString(": stored eph %1 IODs").arg(storedPRN.c_str()); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < IODs.size(); ii++) { msg += QString(" %1").arg(IODs[ii],4); } emit(newMessage(msg.toAscii(), false)); #endif } } }